Thursday, March 20, 2014


Sweet Pea started the season off right as she spent her first day outside the barn on the first day of Spring.  She found her strength learning to climb onto a small hay bale and kicking up her heels in little kid leaps.  She had lots of visitors today as neighbors ventured over to meet our new arrival.  Did I mention just how much I love our little community?

The rest of the day was a flurry of activity.  Jerry headed out to a dinner meeting with other Hunter Safety Instructors.  This is a new passion of his and he just got certified a few weeks ago to be an instructor himself.  It really does suit him and I am excited to see him pursue this calling in his life.  He has had the opportunity already to influence the lives of several young men through the sport of hunting.

I went to the church earlier this afternoon to help with the set up for the conference.  It was so exciting to see the transformation with the beautiful decorations and table adornments my mom and Pastor's wife have prepared.  So much work has gone into the planning of this conference by so many people.  I am really beginning to understand the significance of this event.

After feeding my kids, Renee and I traveled back to the church so that I could run through each session.  I spoke all of the messages out loud while Renee did her homework.  She had headphones in, but I could tell by her expressions that she was able to hear some of it.  She even made a few comments.  It was sweet to have her there with me since she won't be able to attend the conference.

Tomorrow, the boys and I will go to school while Jerry takes Renee for her oral surgery.  She will come home to recover (with the help of her daddy and pappy!) while I go to speak at the conference.  Talk about poor planning right?  

Tonight, as we prayed as a family, Alden prayed that Renee would have a good surgery and that "Wendy would have fun doing her thing!"  He made me smile, but he was right, it is my "thing".  God gave me the gift of speaking and it thrills my heart each time I get this opportunity!  I'm so glad that this is not just my thing - it's Gods thing - I just get to be a part of it!

Once again, I covet your prayers for this weekend.  I sense that God is up to something big - I can't wait to tell my story - His story!

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